Please review & sign the following consent & liability release form to move forward with your booking and services with Fresh Face Artistry.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out at any time!

before your service

  • Please ensure you are prepared for service with a completely clean face and prepped with your personal skincare products (if not available we can prep your skin before makeup application).

  • Removal of previous makeup will result in less time for application and may result in additional fees and overage in time at the client’s expense.

  • Reminder to wear a button down top or loose fitted shirt as to not disturb application once it is applied.

  • Brow shaping and grooming is recommended to be done at least 1 week prior to your event. Service provider is not responsible for brow shaping on day of event.

use of images

The client does hereby consent and agrees that Fresh Face Artistry (Rachel Sylvester) has the right to take photographs or digital recordings of me, the client, during my Makeup Application and or during my photo shoot. These photos/videos may be used for promotion purpose across all social media platforms, including but not limited to Instagram, Facebook and The client further consents that their name and identity may be included therein or by descriptive text or commentary.

Liability release

I, the client, hereby release and agree to hold Fresh Face Artistry (Rachel Sylvester) harmless from, and waive on behalf of myself, my heirs, and any personal representatives any and all causes of action, claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses and compensation for damage or loss to myself and/or property that may be caused by any act, or failure to act of the Service Provider, or that may otherwise arise in any way in connection with any services received from Fresh Face Artistry (Rachel Sylvester). I understand that this release discharges Fresh Face Artistry (Rachel Sylvester) from any liability or claim that I, my heirs, or any personal representatives may have against the Service Provider with respect to any bodily injury, illness, death, medical treatment, or property damage that may arise from, or in connection to, any services received from the Service Provider. This consent and liability release extends to Fresh Face Artistry (Rachel Sylvester) and any associates of said Service Provider.

All brushes, tools, and makeup products are sanitized between every makeup application. Makeup products used are hypoallergenic. Any allergies and/or skin conditions or illness would could impede makeup application or risk the health of the Service provider or any associates of the Service provider must be reported by the client to the Service Provider prior to application and, if need be, a sample test of makeup may be performed on the skin to test reaction.

  • Client(s) agree to release Fresh Face Artistry (Rachel Sylvester) and any associates from liability for any skin complications, allergic reactions or illness caused from or due to makeup application or services provided.

  • The client agrees to release Fresh Face Artistry (Rachel Sylvester) and any associates from liability for any damages accidentally caused during the service to personal property or belongings of the client.